Website Development, SEO


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  • Website Development
  • SEO
  • User Flow
  • UI/UX Services


The client, Intro Limited is a specialized search firm based in Los Angeles, exclusively dedicated to serving the unique needs of the creative industry. They came to me in need of a website developer to bring their latest website design to life. This case study presents a comprehensive overview of the process, challenges, and solution.



(Website Development in Webflow)

One of the significant challenges was the redevelopment of Intro Limited's website using Webflow. The project involved updating an existing site created by another team, which added complexity to the process. Ensuring a seamless transition and implementing the necessary improvements demanded meticulous attention to detail and technical expertise.

(Ceating a Blog with CMS Integration)

Another challenge was to design and develop a blog that would be easily managed by a Content Management System (CMS). The client expressed the need for a blog where they could independently add, edit, and publish articles without relying on developer assistance. This demanded a robust CMS solution and user-friendly interfaces to empower the client's content creation efforts.

(Integrating a Newsletter Signup Form with Klaviyo)

Implementing a smooth signup form for Intro Limited's newsletter was a significant challenge. The objective was to ensure that when new users provided their information through the Webflow form, it would be automatically added to the client's Klaviyo account and the corresponding email list. This required precise integration between the website and Klaviyo, as well as thorough testing to guarantee the accuracy and security of user data.



(Website Audit)

I addressed the challenge of updating the existing website developed by another team in Webflow by conducting a thorough audit of the site. This made sure that all essential elements would stay intact while implementing necessary improvements to the design, user flow, and functionality.

(Zapier API Integration)

To address the challenge of integrating a newsletter signup form with Klaviyo, I leveraged the power of Zapier, a robust automation platform. Zapier acted as a bridge between the Webflow form and Klaviyo, simplifying the integration process significantly. By creating custom "Zaps" in Zapier, I automated the flow of data from the Webflow form to Klaviyo seamlessly.

(Scalability and Future-Proofing)

In anticipation of future content growth, I designed the CMS and blog layout with scalability in mind. This ensured that as the client's content library expanded, the system could accommodate additional articles and categories without any problems. By implementing these solutions, I successfully created a blog with CMS integration in Webflow, empowering the client to manage their content independently and publish articles without the need for ongoing developer support.

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This case study showcases the remarkable journey of transforming Intro Limited's website through a collaborative approach. By working closely with the Introlimited team I helped design and develop new sections for their website while maintaining the brand’s unique identity. The successful partnership between me and the client is a testament to the significant influence of purposeful development and user-focused strategies.

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